Learn Bulgarian Language Online - Courses with Certification

Bulgarian Language Courses

We provide Bulgarian language courses for students at various skill levels based on the standards set by the Common European Framework. Over the years, our approach to teaching Bulgarian at all levels has been validated by the success of our students.

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Why Should You Learn Bulgarian?

Bulgaria is home to breathtaking mountain ranges, stunning coastlines, picturesque rural communities, and friendly locals. While in Bulgaria, learning at least some of the local languages would be advantageous. The Cyrillic alphabet used by Bulgarian and more than a dozen other national languages, such as Russian, Serbian, and Belarusian, was developed in Bulgaria in the 9th century AD, making Bulgarian the earliest written Slavic language.

Who Would Benefit from the Bulgarian Language Course?

Several courses are available here for anyone who wants to learn the language, whether for professional or personal objectives. On the contrary, a professional level of comprehension may be what you need from your course if you intend to do business in Bulgaria or with Bulgarian-speaking organizations or colleagues.

What Are the Objectives Behind Learning Bulgarian?

Learning Bulgarian can open up many doors for you. The following goals should be kept in mind while studying Bulgarian:

  • Sociolinguistic Appropriateness: To be able to communicate in generic ways with indigenous or locals.
  • Listening Comprehension: Being able to hear and comprehend what is being said.
  • Reading Comprehension: Possess the reading comprehension skills necessary to comprehend brief, elementary texts.
  • Spoken Interaction: Have a straightforward method of communication established.
  • Written Interaction: A written means of requesting or providing personal information.
  • Written Production: To be able to express oneself in writing using basic phrases and sentences concerning one’s own life and the lives of made-up personalities.

Cognitive Methodology for Teaching the Bulgarian Language

In the Online Bulgarian Learning System, the lessons take a cognitive learning methodology, which may feel unfamiliar to those used to more traditional methods of education. If you have this, then you can actively engage in the process of learning the language. Hone your abilities and gather wisdom that will last a lifetime. You won’t have to memorize random phrases to get by in our online Bulgarian course.